Tuscan Leather - Vegetable Tanned...
Tuscan Leather - Man Leather Purse - Leo Model PFC2705 Condition: New....
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Placing an order online is easy. Just browse our catalog on the website and choose the item in the desired color.
Afterwards you have to click on "Add to Cart" or on the "Shopping Cart" and you will be shown a summary of the article or articles you have chosen with its retail cost and shipping (where applicable).
Without this you will have to fill out a form with your data for the shipment of the item or items, choose the courier from those suggested, to accept the conditions of sale posted on our site and then choose the payment method most convenient to you (bank transfer, paypal , credit cards or cash on delivery). You will be asked to complete the order and once done, you will receive an email with all the details given by you when ordering, (selected articles, delivery address and total costs). You can contact us at any time to make changes to the order until the time of shipment; after which you can no longer change the order placed.
The product or products are then placed in preparation for shipment and receive them directly to your door within 4/5 working days (2 or 3 days more if you have chosen bank transfer as payment method).
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