100% genuine leather Handbag. Exclusive trend models for all tastes.
Tuscan Leather - Woman Handbag with polished wooden handles in and leather tassel - Tassey Model BDS0914 Condition: New. Details: Outside, Inside, Dimensions and Weight - Genuine italian leather and Discounts from 18% up to 50% off
Tuscan Leather - Woman Leather Handbag - Bucket Shape - Venusia Model BDN0909 Condition: New. Details: Outside, Inside, Dimensions and Weight - Genuine italian leather and Discounts from 18% up to 50% off
Tuscan Leather - Woman Leather Handbag - Flora Model BDM0902 Condition: New. Details: Outside, Inside, Dimensions and Weight - Genuine italian leather and Discounts from 18% up to 50% off
Tuscan Leather - Woman Shoulder Leather Bag - Beli Model BDP3405 Condition: New. Details: Outside, Inside, Dimensions and Weight - Genuine italian leather and Discounts from 18% up to 50% off